Thursday, July 3, 2008

3rd of July

So I'm not quite sure who is keeping up to date on my blog, besides Paully-Wog, but I'm going to give out my link to my family so they can start. Summer has finally started in Oregon and it's great this whole week we have had 80 degree weather!! We've even had some awesome thunder storms that shake the whole house. Just last night around 2am I went out on to our balcony and just watched nature's show.

Last blog I talked about my medical condition and I'm happy to update that I've been getting better. Everyone says that I'm looking better and that I'm gaining more weight. This is all true, but I'm still around 183, which is still about 20 lps where I'm usually. I'm taking my medication regularly and that really does help. Especially the predisone. I still have to be carefully about the foods I eat though. I stay away from Spicy Mexican food and salads, but it's nice to be able to eat pretty much anything I want.

Recently We had our 10th family reunion in Bend Oregon. It was a lot of fun. To all my cousins that missed it, you were missed and you missed out big. There was a lot to do like Whitewater Rafting, Hiking, Mt. Bike, I didn't do any of that... I just laid out at the pool. So nice and sunny and relaxing. Kierstin came too and she also had a very relaxing time. At night we played Settlers with the Reibera Cousins. The resort, The Inn at the Seventh Mountain, is an excellent place with nice rooms this made everyone very comfortable.

Right now I'm working a lot a the Hospital because I have regular hours now!! this means I'll get benefits, which is good because I need some dental work with Ben. I'll be working tomorrow on the fourth, which is a bummer, but at least I'll get Holiday pay. I'm also looking at other Jobs and I'm getting really excited for a chance to be a Sales Rep for Dynasplints. Looks like a job that really fits me well.

Happy Summer for everyone, until next post

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Middle of May

Hey Blog world, I'm not really good at keeping this up to date, oh well. So where does life find me right now. The big thing of course is my health condition. I've been diagnosed with Ulcerative Coitus. This is a Inflammatory Bowel Disease of the colon. It's been pretty horrible for me for the past two months. I've lost a lot of weight and haven't been able to do much because I have to stay close to a toilet. I've had to change my diet around a lot too. I mostly eat soft foods and stay far from really spicy foods, high fructose corn syrup, carbonated drinks, red sauce, lettuce, and other foods that upset my guts. It's like I have to live a slightly modified life right now. I'm on medication which has helped a lot, but it's slow. I judge my recovery in weeks.

On a brighter note. I've got my car back and running again!! Thats a huge relief for me. Thats what she looks like now!! I've really become quite a gear head over the past year. I saw Iron Man when it came out with my cousin Ben. It was a very fun movie. I'm also excited for my Cousin Paul and his family to visit Oregon in the next week ahead. We'll have some fun times.

Kierstin and I are still dating and having fun. She has really been getting a green thumb lately. She has decked her patio with a abundance of flowers, plants, and herbs all of which are in cute planter boxes. She loves to take care of them each night carefully watering each one. If she had a plot of earth I bet she would start start growing crops!!

I'm still working at Emanuel Hospital in the ER. Things are changing a bit there. My old boss left and my department is looking for his replacement. There are more shifts that are available for me to pick up. But since I've been so sick lately that I haven't been working as much as I would like too.