I was with my buddy Matt the other day having a good time talking about cars and stupid stuff when like clockwork my bowls began to grumble. I knew it was gas trying to make it's way down to the exit shoot. Problem is my exit shoot is angry with inflammation and like an old crotchety old man doesn't like to be bothered. But my bowls couldn't take the increasing pressure from the build up of gas anymore. I realize that it's normal to pass gas, everyone does it everyday, but for me passing gas hurts and is usually messy. Messy because in order for my colon to protect itself against the inflammation copious amounts of mucus coat the lining of the inflamed areas. So when I pass gas I usual pass the mucus too. It turns out to be a really juice fart, literally. Matt was particularly impressed with how juicy sounding it was and with a concerned look on his face asked if I just goobered my pants. I hadn't and not because I didn't pass any mucus but because I had prepared by stuffing my underwear with TP. This way the TP catches all the mucus junk and I don't soil myself. I explained this to Matt and he asked me if I always had a wad of TP down there and I realized that stuffing my underwear had become such a daily routine that I indeed always had TP in my pants.