Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Snow Day, don't get sick Dave.....

Snow day in Oregon.  Exciting for us Oregonians.  I had to take a picture of my car in the snow. You can really see how thick it piled up.  With all the snow on the ground and cold weather, my mother made a comment about my susceptibility to getting sick that I'd like to discuss.
          I've come across this from others as well, the idea that because I'm stricken with Ulcerative Colitis that I'm in some way more prone to getting sick.  It's a logical way of thinking for anyone who really doesn't understand the disease, but the truth is that I'm just as susceptible than everyone else.  My immune system still does it's job in protecting me from all those nasty cold and flu bugs out there.  It's just in my colon that you'll  find problems and the only thing the colon really does is store your stool.  All the nutrient absorption from your food is primarily done in your stomach and small intestine anyway, and for me those organs are working perfectly fine.  You could debate though that I'm still more susceptible because my diet may be more deficient because I don't eat a lot.  I can see that as a reason for me to be concerned, but I've been able to eat much more foods with out feeling sick for months now.  I take a multi-vitamin too, pro-biotics, and I'm getting a lot more sleep than I was before, which is really the best preventive medicine for avoiding the sick-monster.  So honestly I'm really in good shape health wise, besides the inflammatory portion of my colon, and that I'm still very much under weight, and I've lost a lot of my muscle mass, and I'm probably dehydrated most of the time because I pass so much junk. (just think of my last post!).  So although I'm thankful for people who cover their cough when they're around me, they don't need to do that anymore than they would around anyone else.