Monday, November 23, 2009

New Pain leads to Doc appointment.

I'm see my GI doctor today.  GI stands for GastroenterologistWeb site about GI docs. My visit today is an unscheduled due to new symptoms I've been experiencing.  It was last Thursday the 19th when what felt like a pretty common stomach ache turned into a full blow stomach attack of pain.  I woke on Thursday feeling this stomach ache which began at the bottom on my sternum and ended at my navel.  All the the day it persisted with varying degrees of achynes.  I remember around 5 it grew to pretty uncomfortable levels and I began messaging my tummy.  I felt it odd that the typical area of pain associated with my UC, the lower left quadrant of my abdomen, was pain free and I wasn't having any butt pain like I've described before.  Nausea grew and although I was hungry but the very thought of food upset my stomach even more.  I had been taking my usual Tylenol and took another 1000mg at this time.  This seemed to help a little, however by the time I got to bed around 12am the pain/ache returned with greater force.  It took me by surprise really.  It felt like someone had been punching me repetitively in the abdomen or like I had done a thousand sit ups.  The achy area now seem to encompass my entire abdomen with it's most tender area being below my sternum and above the navel and to the right of center.  I tried laying on one side and then the other to get comfortable, sitting up, on my knees, and even  hunched over a chair but nothing would dissipate the pain.

Most of you need to realize that I've been living a life for the past year and a half with a continuous level of pain, so I feel I have a pretty well developed high threshold for pain/discomfort. So when I tell you all that I honestly was scared about how painful my abdomen was that I thought of going to the emergency room, you can imagine it was pretty painful.  The nausea was horrible at one point I knelt at the bath tub wanting to vomit thinking that in some way it could bring relief but neither came.  It was 5am and I had been struggling with this pain since 12am.  I decided that I would take some Zantac (Heartburn Med, OTC).  I keep some around for the rare occasion I get heartburn.  I wasn't feeling any heartburn pain but I thought maybe it would help somehow. It must have because in 20min I found myself asleep and when I woke up 2hrs later the pain was gone, but the ache was still there.

The rest of the day Friday seemed as though I had just been in a boxing match but only getting hit in the abs. I called my GI doc and explained everything that I experienced and he couldn't squeeze me in but that on Monday first thing he could.  I haven't experienced that same excruciating pain again since Thursday night and the ache "just hit in the stomach feeling" has dissipated too, but not entirely.  I hope I get get some answers to what or where this pain came from. Maybe it can be explained by really really bad indigestion?  I'll post to you all what my GI doc says after our appointment. So keep posted and if you're following please sign up as a follower.