Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Surgical Update #1

February 8th, 2011 I underwent a colorectal surgery.  Surgery began around 10am.  I had a complete colectomy (removal of my large intestine).  Surgery went well.  It lasted between 5 to 6 hrs.  Most of my procedure was done laparoscopicly.  This method is much less invasive and has helped me in my recovery.  I'm currently at Providence of Portland Hospital.  It's now three days after my surgery.  I have progressed to being able to get out of my bed and walk around the hospital wing.  I've been progressing my diet from just clear liquids, to full liquids, and beginning this evening I can now eat soft smooth foods.  Pain has been very manageable.  I was on a PCA pain pump and now I'm on oral pain medications.  My belly is swollen still and I have pain around my surgical sites.  My shoulders feel achy a lot.  This is do to referred pain from the laparoscopic procedure, during which my abdomen is blown up like a balloon with CO2.  This exerts pressure on the phrenic nerve which also steams across the shoulders.  So pain from my abdomen is expressed in my shoulders.