Friday, November 26, 2010

It's been long over due update........

It's been quite a while since I've posted.  My only excuses for my absence is my lack of motivating due to difficult times.  Since my last post almost a year ago much has happened in my life that has been very heavy on my heart.  I've have gone through a painful break-up, parents divorce, unexpected passing of a very close uncle, lost my best friend, financial issues, and even emergency surgery (*I'll go into this in more detail later on).  It has seemed that each month came with it own set of difficulties that drained me of any enthusiasm to blog about.  No body likes to share the bad news. But through all this there has been wonderful bright moments to celebrate such as, my UC symptoms have improved, I'm working once again, and I've been maintaining my health and weight.   But I digress, it is now that I feel I must share my experiences with those around me to share lessons I've learned. So please welcome me back to my blog world and stay tuned, because I'm back.


Friday, January 22, 2010

Somedays I feel like this:

and other days I feel like this:

but most of the time I feel like this:

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy New Year 2010 and Whats in Dave's Black Bag?

It's already the new year and the it seems that time is rushing by.  I can't believe it's all ready the 12th.  12 days into year 2010.  I love the holidays but with them behind us the swing of life seems to be back on track.  For me that doesn't mean much because it's not like I have a job to return to, (I haven't been working since Jan, 2009), but everyone around me is back to their normal routine.

Updates on my condition:  I had my third dose of Vedolizamab on 01/06.  I'm very hopeful that after this dose my body will start to show signs of response.  Which I guess would mean I would have fewer trips to the toilet, less mucus, less painful cramps, less heaviness on my anus, less painful poos, less interruption from sleep, more weight gain, more energy, more appetite, more feeling normal.  I haven't had any miracles yet, but I do feel like I'm having more good days as of late.  With that said, however, I'm reminded of the four+ times I was awoken from my sleep because I had to go the toilet to strain and push all the crappy crap crap mess of poo and mucus out of my rectum.  For all of you normal people out there be grateful that when you poo it doesn't hurt and that your poo just comes out with minimal effort.  I have to do a lot of straining and pushing for sometimes up to 15min a time.

Enough toilet talk.  I wanted to share with you all the meds I take.  Some of you know that I carry a black bag of meds where ever I go.  I do that because I take a lot of meds through out the day that help me feel better.  Here's the list:

Asacol (Mesalamine): 4 pills 3 times a day total 12 pills.  These pills are designed to make their way to my colon and then release their medication.  The medication is believed to reduce the inflammation caused by the UC.  I've been on this med for over a year now.  It's an expensive med but I was able to receive my prescription from the Drug company through there patient prescription hardship program.  I otherwise would not be able to afford this medication.  I'm truly grateful.

OTC Anti-Diarrheal *Costco's version of Imodium (Loperamide HCL): The way this med actually works is by slowing down the motility of the guts which allows the stool to stay in the colon longer.  Although stool that remains in my colon on the inflamed portion results in great discomfort, this medication calms the overall motility of my colon which greatly helps in the overall comfort.

Tylenol Extra Strength (acetaminophen): 500mg.  I take about 2pills twice a day.  This helps with the painfully cramps and other aches that I have associated with UC.

Hyoscyamine: This medication I take maybe once a day.  It is as need med.  It dissolves on my tongue.  It is a anticholinergic, which means it suppress the involuntary movements of the smooth muscles of colon.  Also helps reduce the spasm like feelings associated when I fart and poo.

Celexa (Citalopram):  20mg One pill a day. This is an antidepressent and anxiety medication.  I've found it to be very helpful in maintaining my mood.  Even before UC I was always a very anxious person.  This medication has helped me feel more stable and easyier to feel more "ok" about things.  It has also helped me avoid those depressive feelings from the effects of UC.

Zantac (Ranitidine) 75mg:  I carry this with me in my bag just in case of heartburn.  I don't usually get heartburn that often but when I do I'm glad to have a Zantac to make it go away.

 I bet you didn't realize how many pills I'm taking everyday.  Now you see why I carry my med bag where ever I go too.  It's just one of those things I've gotten use to while being subjected to this UC life.  I can't wait till the day that I don't have to take so many meds everyday.