Holidays are wonderful times. I love the holiday festive cheer and being surronded by love ones, it's always a good time. But I never really realized how much food is involved with these holidays until my UC took over. This Thanksgiving marks the 2nd one I've had while being inflicted with active severe inflammation and this time around I think my UC was a bite more tolerable. With any type of family feast where I know that eating is the main activity I prepare by keeping my colon basically not active prior the feast. So I fast, but I keep my fluids flowing though with my favorite Gatorade.
You see my UC has changed how I look at eating. Eating starts you peristalsis motion of your guts. So for me that means poop coming down the ol' poop shoot right where the nasty inflammation is which results in pain, aching, and field trips to the toilets. So to enjoy myself with everyone before the feast I fast and my colon stays relativity calm. But about ten bites into the awesome Turkey that K made I could feel those guts a moving and I had to take a time-out on the court to relieve myself (pretty typical). Everything tasted so good and everyone was having a good time. Pics to follow of course
Afterwords came the rumble in my colon. I just sprawled on the couch with the football game on while my guts moved up and down and around and around. Uncomfortable.......... yes, but good news was that I was able to get to a good enough spot to enjoy a couple games of settlers with the family. Overall I could say that I had a much better Thanskgiving than last year. That makes me happy more than you can know.
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