Friday, December 4, 2009

Ultrasound results are in.

Some of you that are following may remember that last week I underwent a Ultrasound to look at my upper right quadrant for any abnormality.  Guess what........there's nothing abnormal at all.  That's great news right? Sure it is but it still leaves the question unsolved about the excruciating pain I had two weeks ago. (I wrote about that a few posts ago).  So really the pain could have been a couple of things, but I think it was probably really really bad indigestion and my stomach flared up.  I've been taking Protensa, an anti-stomach acid, since my doc appointment and the pain has not returned.  I had to get all jellied up on my chest for them to use the ultrasound on me, but the jelly was really warm so it actually felt kinda nice.  The procedure was really quick too,just about 15 - 20min.  The US-Tech told me that he does so many of these types of ultrasounds a day that he could almost do them in his sleep.  Here is a picture of me with the ultrasound machine. Yep you're right I do have my shirt off.


Paul Aanderud said...

so then what caused the pain??? Are they thinking EGD now, or wait and see if the pain comes back again?

Patty Fingers said...

Marcene had to really advocate for herself when it came to her pain. I guess the doctors were always making her feel like she was some sort of hypochondriac.

Jim said...

Did you have a colonoscopy aswell..